Babywearing The Toddler

Saturday 31 August 2013

I hate using the buggy.  It's roguishly awkward and to be honest, a pain in the posterior not to mention frightfully knackering to push. Thankfully for the most part we only use it when convenient or necessary yet have walked miles on end with him comfortably on my back.  However, recently The Toddler has been showing a preference for it, so respecting his wishes, I always give him the choice if practical.  However, on Thing One's birthday meal (yes, I haven't forgotten I will indeed bore the pants off you with one of those terribly mumsy posts all soppy and whimsical about the little bugger soon.  Lucky lucky you.) it would have been impractical to take it with us yet the walk afterwards is simply too far for his little legs (and our sanity) to endure so into the sling he went.  It's so nice to actually hear what he's saying again, I adore the hugs, the way he plays with my hair....the grip of his little soft hands idly on my arm.  He can see more, interact more and it's quite frankly easier all round.  I forgot how much I'd missed him being on my back.  Babywearing isn't just for wee babies.  With it not being all the time now, it merely makes it more precious when we do.  It just feels....right,


  1. I enjoy using my sling for the baby, shall have to try one that will work as he gets bigger!

    1. There's loads out there to try. The Toddler is 3y4m and I still love wearing him

  2. This is the one thing I regret not doing. Now, my freedom-loving toddler will have none of it! If I have another baby, I'm babywearing from day one.

    1. I highly recommend it :-) am incredibly said that there will be no more newborns for me to carry.


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